Academic | Seminar | I Ching Augury with Straws |
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آ آ I Ching Augury with Traditional Straws Since “King Fong I†appear in Han Dynasty, I Ching divination was changing. “For
آ Base on this reason, I hope to try my best to bring the learners back to the original straws method to do the augury, and let everyone have a chance to understand the traditional way of Augury. Keep the learners connect to the text of the I Ching and let the I Ching door open for them. آ
Seminar Date
Aprآ 18, 2008آ آ toآ Apr 19, 2008
10am to 4pm
50 East Valhalla Drive Tel: 905-477-2010
Price US $800 (Early bird $600 on or before Mar 30, 2008) ( Included 2 tea break per day)
Application Method Please fill out the following application form and put in a US $50 non-fundable down deposit to the set account. The remaining balance must be paid fully on or beforeآ Mar 30, 2008. آ آ Application Deadline Aprآ 10, 2008. آ آ آ آ آ آ 中文
蓍草占卜 自漢京房易出現, 傳統易占出現了變化, 被稱為[火珠林] (俗稱文王卦) 取而代之. 這種方法化繁為簡. 利用銅錢起卦, 再根據五行寄爻的方法解卦, 術家每喜用之. 而這方法與原本易經經文無涉. 致使揲蓍解易備受忽視, 因此後世懂得傳統揲蓍者不多. 有見及此, 希望盡一己之綿力, 教導大眾傳統揲蓍方法, 令後學者得入易經門戶, 一窺傳統易占之秘.
時間 上午10時至下午4時
Tel: 905-477-2010