4. The syllabus of Traditional Feng Shui training that the qualified Feng Shui master should have.

Date 2011/12/6 4:30:00 | Topic: Master Chung's Articles

4. The syllabus of Traditional Feng Shui training that the qualified Feng Shui master should have.

In a formal Feng Shui training, every qualified master should have finished the following syllabus:
1. Understand the dragons (龍 hills/mountains/lands).
2. Understand the protection dragons (砂surrounding hills/mountains/lands).
3. Understand the dragons’ spot/point (穴burial place/house site).
4. Understand the waters (水rivers/lakes/seas/oceans).
5. Understand the direction (向nature/compass).

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The sequence of training is also following the above training sequence. This training procedure was formed by our experience previous masters. The formal Feng Shui books were also written in this format.

No matter the Yin or Yang Feng Shui, this sequence is important; they are only different in syllabus number 3. It is because to build a grave doesn’t need that much of land compare of building a house. Therefore it has the following quotes, “Yang Feng Shui is like a paper fan 陽居一把扇, Yin Feng Shui is like a string 陰宅一條線.” in Feng Shui books.

If you haven’t learnt the first 4 topics or you have learnt but not well. Although you have 100% of compass knowledge, it is only 20% of the Feng Shui knowledge.

Since the beginners do not have this basic concept before they learnt, they were misleading by the disqualified Feng Shui master and those beginners are lazy to find the truth. That’s why it is so easy for them to claim themselves as a Feng Shui Master.

Although you are following the above learning procedure, you still can’t claim yourself as a Feng Shui Master because you miss the most important procedure to become as a master.

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This article comes from Royal Academic Institute

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