Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 4 – How many types of I-Ching 易經

Date 2012/9/19 14:40:00 | Topic: Master Chung's Articles

Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 4 – How many types of I-Ching 易經

Start from the first article I was talking is “Chau-I周易”, in fact “I-Ching易經” has 3 types, the first type is “LinShan-I連山易”, the second is “KgwaiChong-I歸藏易”, the third is “Chau-I周易”.
Since “Chau-I周易” was more popular spread out after Chau Man Wong 周文王announced his “ManWong BaGua文王八卦” plus our scholar, Confucius孔夫子, gave his notes for the public, which let Chau-I周易 replaced the other two types of I-ching. The other two types of I-Ching were losing the inheritance and gave up by the public. Although some of the text of the other two I-Chings were discovered from archaeological excavation, but it was not a complete copy. It stills have a long way to form the whole picture and get into understanding it.

Some of the previous scholars believed that the other two I-Chings were only the procedure of evolution for “Chau-I周易”, but whether it is true or not, we still need to wait for more materials coming from the archaeological excavation to verify this point of view.

Nowadays almost everyone talking is “Chau-I周易” , if you think “Chau-I周易” means the whole “I-Ching易經”, your concept need to be adjusted a little bit.

Therefore in the near future, I will more focus in “Chau-I 周易” and not the other two I-Chings易經. The “I-Ching易經” that I am talking about is “Chau-I 周易”.

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This article comes from Royal Academic Institute

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