Reply for those audiences who asked me

Date 2012/12/31 6:37:24 | Topic: Master Chung's Articles

Reply for those audiences who asked me

After I disclosed mistakes that the general public has in metaphysic, some audiences have sent me email and ask for my opinion on the following topics as they are confused. I was busy in the past few months, but I will spend sometime to reply all of you in this coming year. Please be patient!
The first 3 questions I will answer are:

1. A debate regarding using DongZhi冬至 as a demarcation of new year, which is supposing to be LiChun立春.
2. Will this counteract the 因果報應 resulting from 洩漏天機.
3. Are Life(命) and Luck(運) the much more important factors than Fengshui and other things as Chinese have an old saying, “One is fate, two is luck, and three is Fengshui”?

Please note that my answer is only for your information. It may not the best answer for you, but if you trust what I am telling you, you can try the way that I will mention in my articles as it may lead you to another level in Chinese metaphysic. If you don’t agree, you can ignore what I am saying and proceed your own path in metaphysic.

(………to be continued)

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This article comes from Royal Academic Institute

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