A debate regarding using DongZhi冬至 as a demarcation of new year, which is supposing to be LiChun立春 (Part 2)

Date 2013/1/3 2:30:00 | Topic: Master Chung's Articles

A debate regarding using DongZhi冬至 as a demarcation of new year, which is supposing to be LiChun立春 (Part 2)

Based on MingLegJur(命曆序) of KooMeiShe(古微書), China has 7115 years of history from the Yellow Emperor first year to 2012. Since Yellow Emperor established the “country” to the Qin dynasty 秦朝(221-206BC) , we have used six kinds of calendars for 4897 years :
1. 黃帝曆 (Yellow Emperor Calendar)
2. 顓頊曆 (Zyun Juk Calendar)
3. 夏曆 (Ha Calendar)
4. 殷曆 (Yan Calendar)
5. 周曆 (Chau Calendar)
6. 魯曆 (Lo Calendar)

From Qin dynasty to Qing dyanasty, there were around 92 types of calendars. To fully understand all of those calendars, you may need to spend your whole life to study.

The following photo is an Armillary sphere that I took on my research. It is a principle instrument for determing position of celestial bodies in ancient China. It had been made by Luo Xia-Hong ( about 104 B.C.) in Western Han Dynasty (206B.C. to 24A.D.). On those rings both scales of 365.25 degree and 100 divisions were graduated. These kinds of scale systems possess distinguishing feature of ancient astronomy of China.

Original Image

(………to be continued)

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This article comes from Royal Academic Institute

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