Will this counteract the 因果報應 resulting from 洩漏天機. (Part 4)

Date 2013/1/21 5:00:00 | Topic: Master Chung's Articles

Will this counteract the 因果報應 resulting from 洩漏天機. (Part 4)

If you have read the first 3 articles I wrote, you will find that it is very hard to have因果報應by 洩漏天機. This is because most masters are unable to reach the level to “expose the God’s wish (洩漏天機)”.
Those who reached the level of “expose the God’s wish (洩漏天機)” would have known the “Nature Law 天理” and “Punishment from the God 天譴”, so they have some guidelines and principles to govern their knowledge and behaviours, which would never put them into “Bad result of cause and effect因果報應”.

Most of the “Bad result of cause and effect因果報應” we have observed is caused by our karmas, either it came from your ignorance and cheated the public, helped the wrong client, or transferred the real knowledge to the wrong hands.

Let me ask you some simple questions:
1. You spent your valuable time and huge amount of money to learn some garbage knowledge from a fake master; do you think you will be happy with it?
2. You paid a lot of money to a master and wish him or her to improve your fortune, but you just received bad fortune instead, do you think you will be happy with it?
3. You try to help others using your metaphysic knowledge but were unable get the expected result, will you be satisfied with it?
4. Unfortunately, you already got into a fake lineage, would you not try to seek a real one? Would you rather to continue to promote this fake lineage?

If you answer to all the questions are “NO”, then you should stop this bad karma. When you realized you have more bad Karma than your good Karma, it is already too late.

However, what often happens is that when a Feng Shui practitioner knew that he has learned the fake knowledge, he already got too deep into it, so he tries to lie to himself by claiming that his knowledge are not fake. He tries to protect his self-esteem and benefits he has, and he doesn’t want to return to the right track.

Although some of those individuals seem to be smart by trying to learn from different masters and hope they would have a chance to get into a real lineage or at least to get different lineages to support their background in this field, this type of practitioner will never have a chance to acquire the true knowledge. The main reason for this is that they already have built up some bad karma. Hence, without disconnecting from this type of bad karma, they will only repeat the same mistake again and again by getting into some other misleading lineages. This is a spiral effect!

Only if you are sincerely promising to leave the fake lineage, regretting your previous bad karma and ask for the forgiveness, establishing your “right view正見, right thinking正思right talking正言 and right action正行”, then you may have the chance to learn the real knowledge.

(………to be continued)

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This article comes from Royal Academic Institute

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