A Zen Poem indicated the most important tips of finding a dragon spot.

Date 2016/10/22 12:15:07 | Topic: Master Chung's Articles

A famous Feng Shui Master wrote a Zen poem in his book to explain the most important tips of finding a dragon spot.
This Zen poem is, “Holding a hoe without it in hand. Riding a cow liked walking himself. Crossing the bridge can only see the bridge is flowing but not the water. 空手把鋤頭,步行騎水牛,人從橋上過,橋流水不流。”

This is the funniest explanation of finding a dragon spot that I saw, but I totally agree with his point of view.

Once you have multi knowledge in high level of different fields, it is not difficult for you to exchange the other knowledge to your subject knowledge. That is what Chinese saying, “窮則變,變則通。”

It is the same as the Buddha always advice us to understand Buddhism by different kinds of arts (Buddhism is coming from Pañcavidyā 五明- śabda vidyā 聲明, adhyātma vidyā 內明, hetu vidyā 因明, cikitsā vidyā 醫方明, śilpa-karma-sthāna vidyā工巧明).

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This article comes from Royal Academic Institute

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