Feng Shui Vs Science
Recently there is a big argument in the western Feng Shui forum about whether Feng Shui is Science or not and both of the side cannot get a strong evidence to proof their saying.
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To answer this question, it depends on which level you are.
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How does a “Chinese Feng Shui Compass - Lo Pan” coming?
A Chinese Feng Shui compass is a mystery tool for the people; if a Feng Shui master does not carry a Chinese compass, the clients will think that the master is non-professional. The master’s advice will not consider seriously, that is one of the reasons why our previous master builds a Chinese compass and make sure he could receive his consulting fee.
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2012-2 Special New Year’s topic - Eyes
There are 4 types of eyes, the first one is the “Normal Eyes俗眼”, which did not separate what is right what is wrong, and these eyes follow the major group of people vision.
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2012-1 Special New Year’s topic - Eyes
This year is a Dragon year; I would like to take this opportunity to say, “Happy New Year! Kung Hey Fat Choi!” to everyone.
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