Our Institute

Royal Academic Institute comprises two major academic components: The professional school and

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President's Welcome

Welcome to Royal Academic Institute. We invite you to visit our website at any time to explore our academic programs and courses. Read More


Founded in 1990 by Issac C. Chung, Royal Academic Institute was operated under the name of I-Ching Study Society previously. Read More


Our mission is carryon the true knowledge to our students. Read More

Face Reading

Face Reading, or physiognomy, is one of the most powerful tools that ancient Chinese have developed. Read More

Health Face Reading

Health is our main asset. How to protect it is the big question. Many people will get regular checkups and exercise to protect their health. Read More

Potential Income

Do you want to improve your financial status? Do you think it is better for you or your family to have more money? Read More

Feng Shui

As Feng Shui gain its popularity in recent years, many people know Feng means wind and Shui means water. Read More

Chinese Astrology

Ancient Chinese has long developed the Traditional Astrology of Life based on I-Ching and Chinese Astronomy. Using the birth year, Read More

Straws Augury

I-Ching is one of the most classical Chinese literatures which explain the law of human behaviour, the nature, and the rotation of the universe. Read More

Mind Power Augury

Since the development of I-Ching by Fu Xi 6000 years ago, I-Ching has been through different phrases. Read More

Qi Kung

Ancient Chinese Qi Kung is a special exercise that is good for your health and enables you to increase your life-expectancy. Read More


Meditation has been practiced by many different cultures for more than 5,000 years. It encompasses a wide range of spiritual Read More


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Posted by admin_issac on 2021/7/25 19:26:18 (830 reads)
2021 does not seem to be a peaceful year, especially in July. Different natural disasters have appeared all over the world. Except for wildfires in the United States, storms in Canada, floods in Germany, Africa, China and other countries have caused countless losses of wealth and lives!

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More releases in Master Chung's Articles
Posted by admin_issac on 2021/1/27 22:35:06 (685 reads)
Preparation for camera and microphone
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More releases in Seminar News
Posted by admin_issac on 2020/2/6 17:50:09 (1114 reads)
Светлана Богунова

The knowledge gained on the course is priceless. Because many people think that physiognomy is some form, some proportion. But in fact, everything is much deeper. It is not enough to know just the forms. It is very important to know other points that affect our destiny. And the Master gave us the key for us to change our lives.

I received very detailed information on how to change myself. because first of all you need to start with yourself. In order for our life to become more successful, better, we need to do a lot of work on ourselves.This knowledge will allow me to help other people more.

Naturally, I will start with my children, with my family. I clearly understand that simply changing facial features and simply reading information from the face is not enough.

Many people wonder why they do feng shui, but the effect is back.The Master gave us not only knowledge, but he gave us his vision. It is much more valuable, much more important. Therefore, now I have a task - to practice, practice and practice.

We are pleased that the third module will be held soon. And we are glad that this will allow us to deepen our knowledge of Chinese physiognomy and understanding of man.
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More releases in Новости о деятельности в России
Posted by admin_issac on 2017/3/7 2:47:21 (923 reads)
Join our recent news in Facebook
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More releases in Recent News
Posted by admin_issac on 2013/11/21 2:27:28 (2516 reads)
To let the people more understand what is "Qi Men Dun Jia 奇門遁甲", I just use my answer for Collette Chin's question on May 27, 2013 in facebook and make it as individual article.

When you learn any Chinese Metaphysics, first thing first is understood the main purpose for this kind of Chinese metaphysic. Although when you are good in that kind of Chinese Metaphysic, you can extend the use to the other kinds. Such as I taught my student to use Face Reading for Feng Shui, for Bazi or Augury, but its main function is Face Reading, that is what we call it in Chinese “通變”.
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More releases in About Royal Academic Institute
Posted by admin_issac on 2013/10/24 4:50:02 (1874 reads)
Master Issac Chung of Royal Academic Institute demonstrating how to read the other people in a few seconds from the face. If you are interesting about this technique, please don't hesitate to visit our website: http://www.royalacademicinstitute.com and register our courses.

This Video has a Russian translation....
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More releases in Free Seminars
Posted by admin_issac on 2013/10/21 21:37:36 (2625 reads)
40-летний опыт изучения китайской философии показывает, что 6 результатов Фэн Шуй можно получить с помощью физиогномики

Популярная среди китайцев фраза гласит: "風水佬呃你十年八年 Учитель Фэн Шуй много лет будет обманывать вас"
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More releases in Russian
Posted by admin_issac on 2013/4/30 0:56:49 (1969 reads)
El miedo de Joseph Yu y de sus alumnus

Desde que he empezado a senalar los problemas con la interpretación del I-Ching del Sr Joseph Yu he respondido a él y a sus alumnos proporcionandoles los links de mis artículos.
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More releases in Espanol
Posted by admin_issac on 2013/1/30 5:04:15 (2036 reads)
2013癸巳蛇年12生肖流年運程 (鍾熙一) 預測


你在2013癸巳蛇年的運程會是如何呢??? 請收看鍾熙一之2013癸巳蛇年12生肖流年運程預測,找出你在龍年的事業、財運、愛情和健康方面的訊息。歡迎留言!!
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More releases in Prediction
Posted by admin_issac on 2012/9/16 16:22:15 (1528 reads)
時人習風水之弊十六 - 年紀錯覺



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More releases in Chinese 中文
Posted by admin_issac on 2012/9/8 16:44:46 (1592 reads)
In letzter Zeit gibt es im Westlichen Feng Shui Diskussionen darüber, ob Feng Shui naturwissenschaftlich fundiert ist oder nicht. Beide Seiten können allerdings Ihren Standpunkt aufgrund fehlender Beweisen nicht festigen.
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More releases in Deutsch
Posted by admin_issac on 2012/4/10 4:00:00 (1683 reads)
Peuvent- ils 5 أ‰lأ©ments et 9 Etoiles Reprأ©senter tous les Dragons ?

Lorsque vous arrivez dans le monde du Feng Shui, vous apprendrez sur le Dragon, puisque nous l'utilisons pour représenter la montagne et décrire son mouvement. Par conséquent, la montagne est vivante et pas morte.
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More releases in Francais
Posted by admin_issac on 2012/1/10 21:50:00 (1585 reads)
Master Chung's books

Resized Image
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More releases in Press
Posted by admin_issac on 2011/2/28 22:35:15 (1549 reads)
How I start to learn Chinese Metaphysic? Please watch...............
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Posted by admin_issac on 2010/12/1 20:45:22 (1788 reads)
Local News Coverage:
Channel: Rogers TV
Shows: First Local - News
Event: Professional Face Reading Certificate Course Level 3
Date: November 7, 2010
Location: Toronto, Canada
Extended Version

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  • TV Interviews" href="http://www.royalacademicinstitute.com/fengshui/modules/news/article.php?storyid=13">TV Interviews (2008/3/23 21:50:00)
More releases in TV Interviews
Posted by admin_issac on 2010/1/11 22:55:04 (1694 reads)

Christmas is a big festival for the world, everywhere will do the celebration for it. l am inviting to a Concierto De Navidad in Chile and also interviewed by the Newpasper La Sur...............
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More releases in Traveling With Master Chung
Posted by compass on 2009/2/26 17:30:00 (2354 reads)
Resized ImageA testimonials from different students of our course
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More releases in Testimonials
Posted by admin_issac on 2008/3/23 22:40:00 (2840 reads)
How to read the other people in a few seconds by Master Issac Chung at Russia

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  • Guest Speaker" href="http://www.royalacademicinstitute.com/fengshui/modules/news/article.php?storyid=14">Guest Speaker (2008/3/23 21:51:30)
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Master Chung's Articles