Our Institute

Royal Academic Institute comprises two major academic components: The professional school and

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President's Welcome

Welcome to Royal Academic Institute. We invite you to visit our website at any time to explore our academic programs and courses. Read More


Founded in 1990 by Issac C. Chung, Royal Academic Institute was operated under the name of I-Ching Study Society previously. Read More


Our mission is carryon the true knowledge to our students. Read More

Face Reading

Face Reading, or physiognomy, is one of the most powerful tools that ancient Chinese have developed. Read More

Health Face Reading

Health is our main asset. How to protect it is the big question. Many people will get regular checkups and exercise to protect their health. Read More

Potential Income

Do you want to improve your financial status? Do you think it is better for you or your family to have more money? Read More

Feng Shui

As Feng Shui gain its popularity in recent years, many people know Feng means wind and Shui means water. Read More

Chinese Astrology

Ancient Chinese has long developed the Traditional Astrology of Life based on I-Ching and Chinese Astronomy. Using the birth year, Read More

Straws Augury

I-Ching is one of the most classical Chinese literatures which explain the law of human behaviour, the nature, and the rotation of the universe. Read More

Mind Power Augury

Since the development of I-Ching by Fu Xi 6000 years ago, I-Ching has been through different phrases. Read More

Qi Kung

Ancient Chinese Qi Kung is a special exercise that is good for your health and enables you to increase your life-expectancy. Read More


Meditation has been practiced by many different cultures for more than 5,000 years. It encompasses a wide range of spiritual Read More


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Chinese 中文





News by the same author admin_issac

About Royal Academic Institute
2013/11/21 2:27:28Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years – 7 Qi Men Dun Jia 奇門遁甲25310
2012/1/21 22:47:29About Master Chung128880
2009/2/22 19:00:00Royal Academic Institute19590
2008/3/23 21:10:00Issac Chung30070
2008/3/23 20:50:001994 Graduation Ceremony (Chinese)21840
2008/2/21 22:00:00President's Welcome 41030
2008/2/19 2:10:00About Royal Academic Institute30700
Total of 7 articles 29742 
Chinese 中文
2012/9/16 16:22:15時人習風水之弊十六 - 年紀錯覺15430
2012/9/16 16:18:00時人習風水之弊十五 - 欺師滅祖18520
2012/9/16 16:14:42時人習風水之弊十四 - 風水專材19590
2012/9/16 16:08:35時人習風水之弊十三 - 天花亂墜14690
2012/9/16 16:04:13時人習風水之弊十二 - 自成一派15820
2012/9/16 15:59:40時人習風水之弊十一 - 不知廬山真面目12010
2012/9/16 15:51:34時人習風水之弊十 - 不怕天譴11290
2012/9/16 15:45:49時人習風水之弊九 - 捨本逐末12230
2012/9/16 15:36:41時人習風水之弊八 - 急功近利12300
2012/9/16 15:27:32時人習風水之弊七 - 一網全收13350
2012/9/16 15:18:55時人習風水之弊六 - 不懂尊師重道12630
2012/9/16 15:13:38時人習風水之弊五 - 劊子手11660
2012/9/16 15:08:38時人習風水之弊四 - 風水學的誤差11590
2012/9/16 15:05:27時人習風水之弊三 - 古書流傳11910
2012/9/16 15:01:10時人習風水之弊二 - 巒頭無假?11690
2012/9/16 3:00:00時人習風水之弊一 -- 一盲導百瞎11440
Total of 16 articles 21615 
2012/9/8 16:44:4613. Feng Shui vs. Naturwissenschaft16050
2012/3/17 22:10:00Der Widerspruch in der Logik32690
2012/3/16 22:00:0011. Wie tritt der “Chinesische Feng Shui Compass – Lo Pan” in Kraft?16690
2012/3/16 22:00:0012. Sind die Zeiten des Hausbaus wichtig für eine Feng Shui Beratung?14020
2012/3/15 22:00:0010. 01.2012 Spezielles Neujahr Thema - Augen14950
2012/3/15 21:50:009. 02.2012 Spezielles Neujahrs Thema – Augen 10560
2012/3/14 21:50:007. Ein qualifizierter Master sucht sich seine Studenten aus9810
2012/3/13 21:50:006. Die Erfahrung die ein qualifizierter Feng Shui Master haben sollte10150
2012/3/13 21:50:005. Die Zeremonie ein qualifizierter Feng Shui Master durchlaufen sollten10270
2012/3/12 21:00:003. Welches Wissen sollten Sie haben bevor Sie sich selbst als „Feng Shui Master“ bezeichnen?12380
2012/3/12 21:00:004. Der Lehrplan traditionellem Feng Shui Trainings ein qualifizierten Feng Shui Master haben sollte10140
2012/3/11 21:00:001. Wann können Sie sich Feng Shui Master nennen“?12840
2012/3/11 21:00:002. Unter welchen Umständen können Sie von sich als Feng Shui Master sprechen?10320
Total of 13 articles 18087 
2013/4/30 0:56:49El miedo de Joseph Yu y de sus alumnus19940
2013/4/28 2:06:10El I-Ching de Chung 15- 5 Errores los cuales el estudiante del I-Ching debe de evitar.16210
2013/4/28 1:57:06El I-Ching de Chung 14- 5 Errores los cuales el estudiante del I Ching debe de evitar (P4)16090
2013/4/25 3:54:44El I-Ching de Chung 13- 5 Errores que el Estudiante del I-Ching debe de evitar (P3).21620
2013/4/25 3:45:18El I-Ching de Chung 12- Mensaje del cielo16910
2013/4/22 16:17:03El I-Ching de Chung 11- 5 Errores que el Estudiante del I –Ching debe evitar (P2)12500
2013/4/22 16:12:00El I-Ching de Chung 10- 5 Errores que el estudiante del I-Ching debe evitar (P1)11020
2013/4/20 16:33:53El I-Ching de Chung 9- La importancia de la traducción12630
2013/4/16 3:47:42El I-Ching de Chung 8- Capítulo 3 del SyutGua.Jun21940
2013/4/16 3:38:56El I-Ching de Chung 7- Como estudiar el I-Ching11370
2013/4/13 3:27:12EL I-Ching de Chung 6- La Interpretación y la Traducción del I-Ching10130
2013/4/13 3:25:21El I-Ching de Chung 5 El contenido esencial del I-Ching11440
2013/4/11 4:35:45El I-Ching de Chung 4- Cuantas tipos de I-Ching existen?10670
2013/4/11 4:20:04EL I-CHING DE CHUNG 3 QUÉ ES EL I-CHING10120
2013/4/9 17:00:00EL “I-CHING" DE CHUNG 2- Mis conocimientos preliminares del I-Ching11410
2013/4/9 16:42:54EL "I-CHING“ DE CHUNG 1-INTRODUCCION12170
2012/4/10 3:20:00Pueden 5 Elementos y 9 Estrellas Representar todos los Dragones?20190
2012/3/25 23:00:00El Feng Shui requiere tiempo para ser probado15900
2012/3/11 20:40:00Caso 3 - 觀音 Guanyin ( Bodhisattva) aparece en la pared11690
2012/3/7 23:10:00Caso 2: Los espíritus vuelven, después de que se quitan los ornamentos de Feng Shui136010
2012/2/24 20:10:00¿El Feng Shui Abarca el Mundo Espiritual?13600
2012/2/19 0:40:00Una contradicción en La Lógica12940
2012/2/15 20:00:002012 - 02 Tema especial de nuevo año: Los Ojos10080
2012/2/15 19:50:002012 – 01 - Tema del año nuevo: Los Ojos11220
2012/2/13 4:40:00Feng Shui Vs Ciencia10650
2012/2/10 5:30:00Es importante la fecha de construcción de la casa, para un consultor de Feng Shui?11280
2012/2/7 6:40:00De dónde viene la “Brújula de Feng Shui China – LO PAN”?14770
Total of 27 articles 37209 
2012/4/10 4:00:00Peuvent- ils 5 Éléments et 9 Etoiles Représenter tous les Dragons ?16970
2012/3/25 23:00:00Le Feng Shui nécessite du temps pour être prouvé 20420
2012/3/11 20:40:00Cas 3 - 觀音 Guanyin (Bodhisattva) apparaît sur le mur16430
2012/3/7 23:10:00Cas 2 : Les Esprits sont de retour, une fois retiré les ornements deFeng Shui14830
2012/2/24 20:20:00Le Feng Shui est il inclut dans le monde spirituel ?21170
2012/2/19 0:40:00Une contradiction à la logique11190
2012/2/15 20:00:002012 - 01 - Thème du nouvel an : Les Yeux12080
2012/2/15 20:00:002012 - 02 Thème spécial nouvel an: Les Yeux11350
2012/2/13 4:40:00Feng Shui Vs Science13920
2012/2/10 5:30:00Le date de construction de la maison, est elle importante pour un consultant de Feng Shui? 14300
2012/2/7 6:50:00D'où viens la « Boussole de Feng Shui Chinoise – LO PAN » ? 12900
Total of 11 articles 16556 
Free Seminars
2013/10/24 4:50:02Face Reading - How to read the other people in a few seconds by Master Issac Chung 18900
2011/2/24 4:50:00Ba Zhi, Los 4 Pilares del Destino17880
2011/1/29 23:17:48Chinese Astrology Bazi Four Pillars Destiny Interpretation32420
2009/8/8 23:25:35Free Feng Shui & Face Reading Seminars25140
2009/1/9 4:50:00How Face Reading can benefit us?25050
2008/4/26 0:30:00Feng Shui Discoveries 923700
2008/4/26 0:30:00Feng Shui Discoveries 1024280
2008/4/13 21:14:42Feng Shui Discoveries 8 25580
2008/4/11 15:16:26Feng Shui Discoveries 722530
2008/4/9 20:32:22Feng Shui Discoveries 621770
2008/4/7 18:22:37Feng Shui Discoveries 522480
2008/4/5 18:53:58Feng Shui Discoveries 421790
2008/4/1 2:43:28Feng Shui Discoveries 322240
2008/3/31 0:44:56Feng Shui Discoveries 222520
2008/3/28 20:50:00Feng Shui Discoveries 121210
2008/3/23 22:04:50What is Feng Shui - Part 218230
2008/3/23 22:00:02What is Feng Shui - Part 117850
2008/3/10 19:30:00What is Face Reading15730
Total of 18 articles 39930 
Master Chung's Articles
2021/7/25 19:26:18 Speaking from the flood in July8650
2020/4/3 20:00:00Qi Men Dun Jia 奇門遁甲 515960
2020/4/2 23:51:20Qi Men Dun Jia 奇門遁甲 415840
2020/4/2 3:14:14Qi Men Dun Jia 奇門遁甲3 Win or loss14420
2020/3/30 21:21:56Qi Men Dun Jia 奇門遁甲219120
2018/9/4 22:54:30What have you earn in your life?12260
2018/4/7 21:36:53The first thing you need to do before interpreting a Bazi Chart!17610
2018/3/24 19:22:15The most misunderstanding concept of general Bazi theory18560
2018/3/11 17:04:12Decode how good you are in metaphysics from Bazi’s point of view!16660
2018/2/28 6:10:155 Day Masters indicated you will be lonely!11150
2018/2/19 22:56:294 types of Bazi format predetermined you are rich13090
2017/8/18 14:30:00How to use “Hei氣” to inspire your life!9700
2017/7/22 15:37:19Why Luen Tau (巒頭Form School) Should Be Your First Focus?14630
2017/7/15 14:23:39Who Else Wants 8 Mansions?10840
2017/7/10 21:28:46The facts of my first study book of Feng Shui that will impress your Feng Shui friends10170
2017/4/30 14:40:50The last name of the Kings in different dynasties.11910
2017/4/30 13:57:06Who is carrying Master Yang’s Lineage10320
2016/10/28 13:44:44Feng Shui vs Fung Shui12540
2016/10/25 12:10:00Universe never stop, it gradually stop!13720
2016/10/24 0:00:00Do you know? - "Disaster is coming from ourselves; Luck is coming from the heaven!”12750
2016/10/23 12:20:00Avoid misfortune14000
2016/10/22 12:15:07A Zen Poem indicated the most important tips of finding a dragon spot.11850
2016/10/16 14:09:04The result of using 4 Gods11570
2016/10/14 18:49:54When Form is not matching Compass, what should we do?10800
2016/10/13 16:16:31The most important combination in Flying Stars - Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years –16 10590
2016/10/13 4:34:23Feng Shui Secret Code - Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years –15 9880
2016/10/10 4:16:37The way you should know how to distinguish whether you following a real or fake Master. 11920
2016/9/9 20:17:23Surfing on Chinese metaphysics over 40 years –13 12900
2016/7/31 13:30:00Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years –12 17250
2016/7/30 13:10:00Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years –11 11350
2016/7/24 13:32:00Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years –10 12590
2016/7/17 12:37:48Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years – 912720
2016/7/9 14:04:16Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years – 8 12170
2016/6/10 13:20:55Heaven is not the only choice10040
2016/6/10 13:18:54Lineage9090
2016/6/4 14:22:434 High Mountains8970
2016/6/3 1:20:22Reading Book14090
2016/6/3 1:17:54Assumption11000
2016/6/3 1:12:20Source9870
2013/10/19 12:40:42Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years – 627677
2013/9/26 12:59:41Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years – 531610
2013/9/24 17:23:12Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years – 421860
2013/9/23 13:45:17Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years – 325010
2013/9/19 16:51:36Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years - 221060
2013/9/17 3:10:00Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years - 123580
2013/1/21 5:00:00Will this counteract the 因果報應 resulting from 洩漏天機. (Part 4)15760
2013/1/20 5:30:00Will this counteract the 因果報應 resulting from 洩漏天機. (Part 3)14640
2013/1/19 5:20:00Will this counteract the 因果報應 resulting from 洩漏天機. (Part 2)14390
2013/1/18 5:16:35Will this counteract the 因果報應 resulting from 洩漏天機. (Part 1)14960
2013/1/6 4:40:00A debate regarding using DongZhi冬至 as a demarcation of new year, which is supposing to be LiChun立春 (Part 4)131610
2013/1/4 4:30:00A debate regarding using DongZhi冬至 as a demarcation of new year, which is supposing to be LiChun立春 (Part 3)13250
2013/1/3 2:30:00A debate regarding using DongZhi冬至 as a demarcation of new year, which is supposing to be LiChun立春 (Part 2)12640
2012/12/31 20:00:00A debate regarding using DongZhi冬至 as a demarcation of new year, which is supposing to be LiChun立春 (Part 1)12880
2012/12/31 6:37:24Reply for those audiences who asked me14040
2012/12/20 4:01:01How to Utilize Mr. Joseph Yu’s Calabash Methodology – Part 314470
2012/12/18 3:00:12How to Utilize Mr. Joseph Yu’s Calabash Methodology – Part 216310
2012/12/14 2:50:00How to Utilize Mr. Joseph Yu’s Calabash Methodology – Part 118160
2012/12/10 4:50:00Joseph Yu’s secrets 318250
2012/11/24 16:50:00Joseph Yu’s secrets 214500
2012/11/23 2:30:00Joseph Yu’s secrets 115110
2012/11/17 3:50:00Beware19330
2012/11/15 18:00:00Only Joseph can discredit the others but his lineage do not accept anyone discredit Joseph.29111
2012/11/12 2:30:00Greatest Feng Shui master17770
2012/10/29 1:30:00My master – Lui Hart Ming 呂克明 1020240
2012/10/28 1:30:00My master – Lui Hart Ming 呂克明 915330
2012/10/27 15:20:00Joseph exposed his shortage in I-Ching knowledge 215580
2012/10/27 1:20:00My master – Lui Hart Ming 呂克明 818090
2012/10/26 1:10:00My master – Lui Hart Ming 呂克明 714850
2012/10/26 1:00:00Joseph exposed his shortage in I-Ching knowledge 114560
2012/10/25 3:00:00Joseph needs free advertisement14220
2012/10/25 1:10:00My master – Lui Hart Ming 呂克明 612060
2012/10/24 3:50:00Things you can learn from Mr. Joseph Yu!15830
2012/10/24 1:00:00My master – Lui Hart Ming 呂克明 515720
2012/10/23 1:00:00My master – Lui Hart Ming 呂克明 411000
2012/10/22 0:50:00My master – Lui Hart Ming 呂克明 311310
2012/10/21 0:50:00My master – Lui Hart Ming 呂克明 211320
2012/10/20 0:40:00My master – Lui Hart Ming 呂克明 114260
2012/10/15 1:10:00Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 15 – 5 Mistakes learner of I-Ching should avoid (P5)13720
2012/10/12 11:00:00Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 14 – 5 Mistakes learner of I-Ching should avoid (P4)15520
2012/9/29 3:00:00Feng Shui Research Center's Fear13980
2012/9/28 12:00:00Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 13 – 5 Mistakes learner of I-Ching should avoid (P3)16860
2012/9/27 2:50:00Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 12 – Message from the heaven14010
2012/9/26 6:30:00Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 11 – 5 Mistakes learner of I-Ching should avoid (P2)17030
2012/9/25 6:40:00Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 10 – 5 Mistakes learner of I-Ching should avoid (P1)17120
2012/9/22 21:50:00Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 9 – The Importance of Translation17900
2012/9/22 21:40:00Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 8 – Chapter 3 of SyutGuaJun說卦傳22390
2012/9/22 21:30:00Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 7 – How to study I-Ching21710
2012/9/22 4:52:19Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 6 – The Interpretation and Translation of I-Ching14540
2012/9/20 15:00:00Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 5 – The core idea of I-Ching易經15950
2012/9/19 14:40:00Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 4 – How many types of I-Ching 易經14700
2012/9/18 10:00:00Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 3 – What is I-Ching易經18420
2012/9/16 22:50:00Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 2 – My little background in I-Ching17670
2012/9/16 17:50:00Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 1 – Introduction15670
2012/7/9 4:50:00My Feng Shui researches 29 - Karma of a master - Master Lam147750
2012/6/30 1:00:00My Feng Shui researches 28 - The King of Gambling - Stanley Ho Hung Sun 何鸿燊88540
2012/6/14 22:30:00My Feng Shui researches 27- God Of Gambling - Mr Yip Hon 葉漢675810
2012/5/23 23:40:00My Feng Shui researches 26 - Li Ka Shing 李嘉誠110740
2012/5/14 17:20:00My Feng Shui researches 25 - Royal Feng Shui21240
2012/4/27 17:10:00My Feng Shui researches 24 - Dragon Point finding20730
2012/4/26 16:50:00My Feng Shui researches 23 - Supernatural power in a grave22070
2012/4/26 2:50:00My Feng Shui researches 22 - School accident by fire27410
2012/4/24 16:20:00My Feng Shui researches 21 - School drowning27880
2012/4/23 15:10:00My Feng Shui researches 20 - Geography Vs Feng Shui21580
2012/4/19 23:10:00My Feng Shui researches 19 - Formats of the Dragons龍22920
2012/4/17 16:00:00My Feng Shui researches 18 - Master Yuen Tin Kwong袁天罡28770
2012/4/16 14:40:00My Feng Shui researches 17 - Master Lai Bo Yi 賴布衣73930
2012/4/15 18:30:00My Feng Shui researches 16 - Po Lin Monastery寶蓮寺32820
2012/4/12 22:40:00My Feng Shui researches 15 - Tai Ngan (Big Wild Goose) Pagoda 大雁塔26190
2012/4/12 2:00:00My Feng Shui researches 14 - White Horse Temple 白馬寺20070
2012/4/11 2:30:00My Feng Shui researches 13 - Master Chu Hei 朱熹25240
2012/4/9 12:00:00My Feng Shui researches 12 - Tai Yue大禹(2200 - 2100 BC)21650
2012/4/6 15:00:00My Feng Shui researches 11 - Ho Tou 河圖 & Lok Syu 洛書49920
2012/4/4 21:40:00My Feng Shui researches 10 - Master Chan Chuen陳摶23020
2012/4/2 0:00:00My Feng Shui researches 9 - Master Kwan Fung Cheung 關鳳翔70660
2012/3/31 0:00:00My Feng Shui researches 8 - Master Ng Si Ching 吳師青41320
2012/3/29 20:20:00My Feng Shui researches 7 - Master Tseng Tsz Nam曾子南 (1907-2006)32620
2012/3/27 20:10:00My Feng Shui researches 6 - Master Tam Yeung Ng 談養吾44170
2012/3/26 6:10:00My Feng Shui researches 5 - Master Yau Sick Yum 尤惜陰60510
2012/3/24 4:30:00My Feng Shui researches 4 - Master Kong San Sau 江慎修26740
2012/3/23 4:30:00My Feng Shui researches 3 - Master Li Mak Cai李默齋 Grave26260
2012/3/21 22:50:00My Feng Shui researches 2 - Master Chang's 蔣大鴻 Grave and his story33100
2012/3/19 17:40:00My Feng Shui researches 1 - Master Yeung’s Temple24828
2012/3/17 14:50:00A contradiction in logic 215000
2012/3/4 19:00:00Little tips to help you find the real master.15460
2012/3/2 17:20:00Can 5 elements and 9 stars represent all the Dragons?15500
2012/2/28 21:20:00Feng Shui need time to prove13940
2012/2/27 21:20:00Case 3 - 觀音Guanyin (a Bodhisattva) appear in the wall13620
2012/2/26 15:30:00Case 2 – Spirit comes back after the Feng Shui items removed14260
2012/2/16 5:30:00Does Feng shui involve spiritual world?13650
2012/2/14 8:50:00A contradiction in logic12870
2012/2/9 23:28:09Feng Shui Vs Science11100
2012/2/7 0:10:00Does the house building time is imported for Feng Shui consulting?11530
2012/2/2 16:30:00How does a “Chinese Feng Shui Compass - Lo Pan” coming?15820
2012/1/28 19:20:002012-2 Special New Year’s topic - Eyes 12240
2012/1/24 6:30:002012-1 Special New Year’s topic - Eyes15628
2012/1/10 4:40:007 A qualify masters should select their students.13980
2012/1/3 18:30:006 The Feng Shui research that a qualify master should have.13080
2011/12/21 16:10:005 The ceremony that a qualified Feng Shui Master should have. 15790
2011/12/6 4:30:004. The syllabus of Traditional Feng Shui training that the qualified Feng Shui master should have.12800
2011/12/1 21:00:003 – What kinds of knowledge you should have before you address yourself as a “Feng Shui Master”?16020
2011/11/25 14:20:002 - In what circumstance can you address yourself as a Fengshui Master?14760
2011/9/12 0:00:001. How can you call yourself as a “Feng Shui Master”?12890
2011/4/9 17:50:00Calabash - how does it using in Feng Shui.17660
2010/6/12 16:22:20Who say there is no secret?16140
2010/6/7 3:30:34The secret of starving yogi17645
2010/6/7 3:23:16Hands were full of blood14310
2010/4/27 1:10:00The Common Mistakes of Nowadays Feng Shui Learners 514310
2010/4/27 1:00:00The common mistakes of nowadays Feng Shui Learners 316330
2010/4/27 0:59:47The Common Mistakes of Nowadays Feng Shui Learners 415510
2010/4/27 0:50:00The common mistakes of nowadays Feng Shui Learners 215140
2010/4/27 0:18:48Bodhidharma Story16090
2010/4/27 0:16:23Eight Immortals Story12720
2010/4/27 0:11:37Scholar and the old monk12840
2010/4/27 0:08:29Young Monk and Old Monk14270
2010/4/26 23:51:36Rich monk and poor monk15470
2010/2/21 2:38:36The common mistakes of nowadays Feng Shui Learners 114890
2010/2/19 3:04:28The common mistakes of nowadays Feng Shui Learners13090
2009/11/24 15:59:21Who make this mistake to public?13910
2009/10/30 1:45:05A memory of Feng Shui Master Lui Hart Ming18000
2009/7/8 20:59:16How to learn Feng Shui from Master Chung19120
2009/7/8 17:33:15How to learn Feng Shui on site19730
2009/2/1 17:50:00Beer Vs. Pee Story19260
Total of 162 articles 324024 
2014/3/12 23:10:00Feng Shui Disclosures 15430
Total of 1 articles 1543 
2013/1/30 5:04:152013癸巳蛇年12生肖流年運程 (鍾熙一) 預測20540
2013/1/30 5:00:552013 Chinese new year predictions for 12 animals20430
Total of 2 articles 4097 
2012/1/10 21:50:00Master Chung's books16180
2012/1/10 18:20:00Newspaper Interview17500
Total of 2 articles 3368 
Public Speech
2008/3/23 22:40:00Face Reading & Feng Shui Introduction by Master Issac Chung 28590
2008/3/23 21:51:30Guest Speaker27470
Total of 2 articles 5606 
Recent News
2017/3/7 2:47:21Recent News On Facebook9540
2011/3/16 4:15:23My Feng Shui music "Action Space"17470
2011/3/10 22:15:29My Feng Shui music "Donedone" & "Brightdays"15890
2011/3/2 23:52:33Famous Feng Shui Grave "Ho Yip Bo Kwai" in Hong Kong17530
2010/3/18 15:32:24Meet us in youtube17190
2010/3/18 15:30:00New albums15530
2010/3/18 15:20:00Meet us in facebook11400
2010/3/18 15:20:00Master Issac Chung's Blog11920
2009/6/30 22:49:44中醫學傷寒論入門 Chinese Medical Introduction Seminar17760
2009/5/3 0:50:002009 Santiago Face Reading14990
2008/11/28 20:40:00Traditional Chinese Architecture & Culture Tours19100
2008/11/28 20:40:00Face Reading Seminars 200918270
2008/11/26 1:32:37Feng Shui Certificate Level 116050
2008/6/4 13:20:00Hackers & Spammers Ip listing19510
Total of 14 articles 22215 
2011/2/28 22:35:15How I start to learn Chinese metaphysic15890
Total of 1 articles 1589 
2013/10/21 21:37:3640-летний опыт изучения китайской философии показывает, 26360
2013/8/24 12:44:43обратная связь с русскими студентами22320
2012/9/19 3:20:00Mое фэн-шуй исследование 20 - География и фэн-шуй 19841
2012/9/19 3:10:00Mое фэн-шуй исследование 19 - Формации драконов 龍 Как бы то ни было, но они известны в Азии17370
2012/9/18 3:10:00Mое изучение фэн-шуй 17 - Мастер Лай Буи 賴布衣 Как бы то ни было, но он знаменит в Азии19910
2012/9/18 3:10:00Mое фэн-шуй исследование 18 - Mастер Юань Тяньган 袁天罡 Как бы то ни было, но он знаменит в Азии19140
2012/9/17 3:00:00Mое фэн-шуй исследование 15 - Даян Табо, Большая Пагода Диких Гусей 大雁塔13340
2012/9/17 3:00:00Mое изучение фэн-шуй 16 - Монастырь Бао Лянь 寶蓮寺 Как бы то ни было, но он знаменит в Азии15930
2012/9/16 2:50:00Mое фэн-шуй исследование 14 - Храм Белой Лошади 白馬寺 17010
2012/9/16 2:50:00Mое фэн-шуй исследование 13 - Мастер Чжу Си 朱熹13840
2012/9/15 2:50:00Мое фэн-шуй исследование 12 - Тай Юй 大禹 (2200 - 2100 до н.э.)12650
2012/9/15 2:40:00Mое фэн-шуй исследование 11 - Хэ-ту 河圖 и Ло-шу 洛書24350
2012/9/14 2:30:00Mое исследование фэн-шуй 10 - Мастер Чэнь Туань 陳摶15040
2012/9/14 2:20:00Мое исследование фэн-шуй 9 - Мастер Гуан Фэнсян 關鳳翔12170
2012/9/13 2:20:00Мое фэн-шуй исследование 7 - Мастер Цэн Цзы Нан 曾子南 (1907-2006)19370
2012/9/13 2:20:00Мое фэн-шуй исследование 8 - Мастер У Ши Цин 吳師青14430
2012/9/12 2:12:32Мое фэн-шуй исследование 6 - Мастер Тан Ян У 談養吾17040
2012/9/12 2:10:07Мое фэн-шуй исследование 5 - Мастер Ю Си Инь 尤惜陰15790
2012/9/12 2:07:38- Мое фэн-шуй исследование 4 - Мастер Цзян Шэнь Сю 江慎修14950
2012/9/12 2:03:44Мое фэн-шуй исследование 3 - Могила мастера Ли Мак Цай李默齋 16770
2012/9/8 12:11:27Mое фэн-шуй исследование 2 - Мастер Чан, его история и могила14230
2012/9/4 20:19:47ое исследование фэн-шуй 1 ? Храм мастера Яна16650
Total of 22 articles 37850 
Seminar News
2021/1/27 22:35:06How to prepare the camera and microphone for internet course7210
2012/7/3 19:04:29e-class preparation39970
2008/2/26 6:20:00A Calendar of upcoming Seminars39260
Total of 3 articles 8644 
2008/3/23 21:30:00Students Feedbacks24770
2008/3/9 23:10:00Student feedback on Royal Academic Institute - German26480
2008/3/9 23:00:00Student feedback on Royal Academic Institute - Catalan25630
Total of 3 articles 7688 
Traveling With Master Chung
2010/1/11 22:55:04Traveling with Master Chung to Chile 21 - Concierto De Navidad17080
2010/1/10 3:34:54Traveling with Master Chung to Chile 20 - TV Interview in Chile16090
2009/12/19 0:51:50Traveling with Master Chung to Chile 19 Fish Market18070
2009/12/17 18:44:27Traveling with Master Chung to Chile 18 Water Dragon22780
2009/12/13 12:39:41Traveling with Master Chung to Chile 17 Talcahuano18610
2009/12/2 15:02:25Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E16 Dancing Night 2f15090
2009/12/2 14:22:37Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E16 Dancing Night 2g14710
2009/12/2 13:59:39Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E16 Dancing Night 2e13020
2009/12/2 13:45:32Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E16 Dancing Night 2bcd13450
2009/12/2 13:36:31Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E16 Dancing Night 2a11470
2009/12/1 17:11:27Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E16 Dancing Night P411490
2009/12/1 17:07:20Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E16 Dancing Night P311010
2009/12/1 17:01:14Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E16 Dancing Night P211270
2009/12/1 16:56:10Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E16 Dancing Night P111890
2009/11/28 19:25:21Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E15 Church 11530
2009/11/27 1:22:39Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E14 Mall16340
2009/11/24 14:39:31Traveling with Master Chung E7-E13 Voces del Rio14320
2009/11/22 1:27:45Travel with Master Chung E6 City Center14820
2009/11/22 1:25:44Travel with master Chung to Chile 513310
2009/11/22 1:23:31Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E413170
2009/11/22 1:20:46Traveling with Master Master to Chile E313330
2009/11/22 1:17:42Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E213790
2009/11/22 1:12:22Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E112220
2008/4/24 2:50:37Traveling With Master Chung 819900
2008/4/23 0:45:06Traveling With Master Chung 720460
2008/4/18 18:42:47Traveling With Master Chung 620790
2008/4/10 20:40:00Traveling With Master Chung 520320
2008/4/8 20:00:00Traveling With Master Chung 420450
2008/4/6 20:23:57Traveling With Master Chung 320300
2008/3/29 4:28:47Traveling With Master Chung 221440
2008/3/20 2:10:00Traveling With Master Chung 01 Master Yeung's Temple19860
Total of 31 articles 49238 
TV Interviews
2010/12/1 20:45:22Professional Face Reading Certificate Course Level 3 Graduation18120
2008/3/23 21:50:00TV Interviews50890
Total of 2 articles 6901 
Новости о деятельности в России
2020/2/6 17:50:09Отзывы белорусских студентов11630
2019/12/6 19:00:00Анжела, Светлана и Ануш в декабре 2019 года провела презентацию «Face Reading» в Минске, Беларусь.10990

Master Chung's Articles