About Royal Academic Institute |
Date | Title | Views | Rating |
2013/11/21 2:27:28 | Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years – 7 Qi Men Dun Jia 奇門遁甲 | 2531 | 0 |
2012/1/21 22:47:29 | About Master Chung | 12888 | 0 |
2009/2/22 19:00:00 | Royal Academic Institute | 1959 | 0 |
2008/3/23 21:10:00 | Issac Chung | 3007 | 0 |
2008/3/23 20:50:00 | 1994 Graduation Ceremony (Chinese) | 2184 | 0 |
2008/2/21 22:00:00 | President's Welcome | 4103 | 0 |
2008/2/19 2:10:00 | About Royal Academic Institute | 3070 | 0 |
Total of 7 articles |
29742 | |
Chinese 中文 |
Date | Title | Views | Rating |
2012/9/16 16:22:15 | 時人習風水之弊十六 - 年紀錯覺 | 1543 | 0 |
2012/9/16 16:18:00 | 時人習風水之弊十五 - 欺師滅祖 | 1852 | 0 |
2012/9/16 16:14:42 | 時人習風水之弊十四 - 風水專材 | 1959 | 0 |
2012/9/16 16:08:35 | 時人習風水之弊十三 - 天花亂墜 | 1469 | 0 |
2012/9/16 16:04:13 | 時人習風水之弊十二 - 自成一派 | 1582 | 0 |
2012/9/16 15:59:40 | 時人習風水之弊十一 - 不知廬山真面目 | 1201 | 0 |
2012/9/16 15:51:34 | 時人習風水之弊十 - 不怕天譴 | 1129 | 0 |
2012/9/16 15:45:49 | 時人習風水之弊九 - 捨本逐末 | 1223 | 0 |
2012/9/16 15:36:41 | 時人習風水之弊八 - 急功近利 | 1230 | 0 |
2012/9/16 15:27:32 | 時人習風水之弊七 - 一網全收 | 1335 | 0 |
2012/9/16 15:18:55 | 時人習風水之弊六 - 不懂尊師重道 | 1263 | 0 |
2012/9/16 15:13:38 | 時人習風水之弊五 - 劊子手 | 1166 | 0 |
2012/9/16 15:08:38 | 時人習風水之弊四 - 風水學的誤差 | 1159 | 0 |
2012/9/16 15:05:27 | 時人習風水之弊三 - 古書流傳 | 1191 | 0 |
2012/9/16 15:01:10 | 時人習風水之弊二 - 巒頭無假? | 1169 | 0 |
2012/9/16 3:00:00 | 時人習風水之弊一 -- 一盲導百瞎 | 1144 | 0 |
Total of 16 articles |
21615 | |
Deutsch |
Date | Title | Views | Rating |
2012/9/8 16:44:46 | 13. Feng Shui vs. Naturwissenschaft | 1605 | 0 |
2012/3/17 22:10:00 | Der Widerspruch in der Logik | 3269 | 0 |
2012/3/16 22:00:00 | 11. Wie tritt der “Chinesische Feng Shui Compass – Lo Pan” in Kraft? | 1669 | 0 |
2012/3/16 22:00:00 | 12. Sind die Zeiten des Hausbaus wichtig für eine Feng Shui Beratung? | 1402 | 0 |
2012/3/15 22:00:00 | 10. 01.2012 Spezielles Neujahr Thema - Augen | 1495 | 0 |
2012/3/15 21:50:00 | 9. 02.2012 Spezielles Neujahrs Thema – Augen | 1056 | 0 |
2012/3/14 21:50:00 | 7. Ein qualifizierter Master sucht sich seine Studenten aus | 981 | 0 |
2012/3/13 21:50:00 | 6. Die Erfahrung die ein qualifizierter Feng Shui Master haben sollte | 1015 | 0 |
2012/3/13 21:50:00 | 5. Die Zeremonie ein qualifizierter Feng Shui Master durchlaufen sollten | 1027 | 0 |
2012/3/12 21:00:00 | 3. Welches Wissen sollten Sie haben bevor Sie sich selbst als „Feng Shui Master“ bezeichnen? | 1238 | 0 |
2012/3/12 21:00:00 | 4. Der Lehrplan traditionellem Feng Shui Trainings ein qualifizierten Feng Shui Master haben sollte | 1014 | 0 |
2012/3/11 21:00:00 | 1. Wann können Sie sich Feng Shui Master nennen“? | 1284 | 0 |
2012/3/11 21:00:00 | 2. Unter welchen Umständen können Sie von sich als Feng Shui Master sprechen? | 1032 | 0 |
Total of 13 articles |
18087 | |
Espanol |
Date | Title | Views | Rating |
2013/4/30 0:56:49 | El miedo de Joseph Yu y de sus alumnus | 1994 | 0 |
2013/4/28 2:06:10 | El I-Ching de Chung 15- 5 Errores los cuales el estudiante del I-Ching debe de evitar. | 1621 | 0 |
2013/4/28 1:57:06 | El I-Ching de Chung 14- 5 Errores los cuales el estudiante del I Ching debe de evitar (P4) | 1609 | 0 |
2013/4/25 3:54:44 | El I-Ching de Chung 13- 5 Errores que el Estudiante del I-Ching debe de evitar (P3). | 2162 | 0 |
2013/4/25 3:45:18 | El I-Ching de Chung 12- Mensaje del cielo | 1691 | 0 |
2013/4/22 16:17:03 | El I-Ching de Chung 11- 5 Errores que el Estudiante del I –Ching debe evitar (P2) | 1250 | 0 |
2013/4/22 16:12:00 | El I-Ching de Chung 10- 5 Errores que el estudiante del I-Ching debe evitar (P1) | 1102 | 0 |
2013/4/20 16:33:53 | El I-Ching de Chung 9- La importancia de la traducción | 1263 | 0 |
2013/4/16 3:47:42 | El I-Ching de Chung 8- Capítulo 3 del SyutGua.Jun | 2194 | 0 |
2013/4/16 3:38:56 | El I-Ching de Chung 7- Como estudiar el I-Ching | 1137 | 0 |
2013/4/13 3:27:12 | EL I-Ching de Chung 6- La Interpretación y la Traducción del I-Ching | 1013 | 0 |
2013/4/13 3:25:21 | El I-Ching de Chung 5 El contenido esencial del I-Ching | 1144 | 0 |
2013/4/11 4:35:45 | El I-Ching de Chung 4- Cuantas tipos de I-Ching existen? | 1067 | 0 |
2013/4/11 4:20:04 | EL I-CHING DE CHUNG 3 QUÉ ES EL I-CHING | 1012 | 0 |
2013/4/9 17:00:00 | EL “I-CHING" DE CHUNG 2- Mis conocimientos preliminares del I-Ching | 1141 | 0 |
2013/4/9 16:42:54 | EL "I-CHING“ DE CHUNG 1-INTRODUCCION | 1217 | 0 |
2012/4/10 3:20:00 | Pueden 5 Elementos y 9 Estrellas Representar todos los Dragones? | 2019 | 0 |
2012/3/25 23:00:00 | El Feng Shui requiere tiempo para ser probado | 1590 | 0 |
2012/3/11 20:40:00 | Caso 3 - 觀音 Guanyin ( Bodhisattva) aparece en la pared | 1169 | 0 |
2012/3/7 23:10:00 | Caso 2: Los espíritus vuelven, después de que se quitan los ornamentos de Feng Shui | 1360 | 10 |
2012/2/24 20:10:00 | ¿El Feng Shui Abarca el Mundo Espiritual? | 1360 | 0 |
2012/2/19 0:40:00 | Una contradicción en La Lógica | 1294 | 0 |
2012/2/15 20:00:00 | 2012 - 02 Tema especial de nuevo año: Los Ojos | 1008 | 0 |
2012/2/15 19:50:00 | 2012 – 01 - Tema del año nuevo: Los Ojos | 1122 | 0 |
2012/2/13 4:40:00 | Feng Shui Vs Ciencia | 1065 | 0 |
2012/2/10 5:30:00 | Es importante la fecha de construcción de la casa, para un consultor de Feng Shui? | 1128 | 0 |
2012/2/7 6:40:00 | De dónde viene la “Brújula de Feng Shui China – LO PAN”? | 1477 | 0 |
Total of 27 articles |
37209 | |
Francais |
Date | Title | Views | Rating |
2012/4/10 4:00:00 | Peuvent- ils 5 Éléments et 9 Etoiles Représenter tous les Dragons ? | 1697 | 0 |
2012/3/25 23:00:00 | Le Feng Shui nécessite du temps pour être prouvé | 2042 | 0 |
2012/3/11 20:40:00 | Cas 3 - 觀音 Guanyin (Bodhisattva) apparaît sur le mur | 1643 | 0 |
2012/3/7 23:10:00 | Cas 2 : Les Esprits sont de retour, une fois retiré les ornements deFeng Shui | 1483 | 0 |
2012/2/24 20:20:00 | Le Feng Shui est il inclut dans le monde spirituel ? | 2117 | 0 |
2012/2/19 0:40:00 | Une contradiction à la logique | 1119 | 0 |
2012/2/15 20:00:00 | 2012 - 01 - Thème du nouvel an : Les Yeux | 1208 | 0 |
2012/2/15 20:00:00 | 2012 - 02 Thème spécial nouvel an: Les Yeux | 1135 | 0 |
2012/2/13 4:40:00 | Feng Shui Vs Science | 1392 | 0 |
2012/2/10 5:30:00 | Le date de construction de la maison, est elle importante pour un consultant de Feng Shui? | 1430 | 0 |
2012/2/7 6:50:00 | D'où viens la « Boussole de Feng Shui Chinoise – LO PAN » ? | 1290 | 0 |
Total of 11 articles |
16556 | |
Free Seminars |
Date | Title | Views | Rating |
2013/10/24 4:50:02 | Face Reading - How to read the other people in a few seconds by Master Issac Chung | 1890 | 0 |
2011/2/24 4:50:00 | Ba Zhi, Los 4 Pilares del Destino | 1788 | 0 |
2011/1/29 23:17:48 | Chinese Astrology Bazi Four Pillars Destiny Interpretation | 3242 | 0 |
2009/8/8 23:25:35 | Free Feng Shui & Face Reading Seminars | 2514 | 0 |
2009/1/9 4:50:00 | How Face Reading can benefit us? | 2505 | 0 |
2008/4/26 0:30:00 | Feng Shui Discoveries 9 | 2370 | 0 |
2008/4/26 0:30:00 | Feng Shui Discoveries 10 | 2428 | 0 |
2008/4/13 21:14:42 | Feng Shui Discoveries 8 | 2558 | 0 |
2008/4/11 15:16:26 | Feng Shui Discoveries 7 | 2253 | 0 |
2008/4/9 20:32:22 | Feng Shui Discoveries 6 | 2177 | 0 |
2008/4/7 18:22:37 | Feng Shui Discoveries 5 | 2248 | 0 |
2008/4/5 18:53:58 | Feng Shui Discoveries 4 | 2179 | 0 |
2008/4/1 2:43:28 | Feng Shui Discoveries 3 | 2224 | 0 |
2008/3/31 0:44:56 | Feng Shui Discoveries 2 | 2252 | 0 |
2008/3/28 20:50:00 | Feng Shui Discoveries 1 | 2121 | 0 |
2008/3/23 22:04:50 | What is Feng Shui - Part 2 | 1823 | 0 |
2008/3/23 22:00:02 | What is Feng Shui - Part 1 | 1785 | 0 |
2008/3/10 19:30:00 | What is Face Reading | 1573 | 0 |
Total of 18 articles |
39930 | |
Master Chung's Articles |
Date | Title | Views | Rating |
2021/7/25 19:26:18 | Speaking from the flood in July | 865 | 0 |
2020/4/3 20:00:00 | Qi Men Dun Jia 奇門遁甲 5 | 1596 | 0 |
2020/4/2 23:51:20 | Qi Men Dun Jia 奇門遁甲 4 | 1584 | 0 |
2020/4/2 3:14:14 | Qi Men Dun Jia 奇門遁甲3 Win or loss | 1442 | 0 |
2020/3/30 21:21:56 | Qi Men Dun Jia 奇門遁甲2 | 1912 | 0 |
2018/9/4 22:54:30 | What have you earn in your life? | 1226 | 0 |
2018/4/7 21:36:53 | The first thing you need to do before interpreting a Bazi Chart! | 1761 | 0 |
2018/3/24 19:22:15 | The most misunderstanding concept of general Bazi theory | 1856 | 0 |
2018/3/11 17:04:12 | Decode how good you are in metaphysics from Bazi’s point of view! | 1666 | 0 |
2018/2/28 6:10:15 | 5 Day Masters indicated you will be lonely! | 1115 | 0 |
2018/2/19 22:56:29 | 4 types of Bazi format predetermined you are rich | 1309 | 0 |
2017/8/18 14:30:00 | How to use “Hei氣” to inspire your life! | 970 | 0 |
2017/7/22 15:37:19 | Why Luen Tau (巒頭Form School) Should Be Your First Focus? | 1463 | 0 |
2017/7/15 14:23:39 | Who Else Wants 8 Mansions? | 1084 | 0 |
2017/7/10 21:28:46 | The facts of my first study book of Feng Shui that will impress your Feng Shui friends | 1017 | 0 |
2017/4/30 14:40:50 | The last name of the Kings in different dynasties. | 1191 | 0 |
2017/4/30 13:57:06 | Who is carrying Master Yang’s Lineage | 1032 | 0 |
2016/10/28 13:44:44 | Feng Shui vs Fung Shui | 1254 | 0 |
2016/10/25 12:10:00 | Universe never stop, it gradually stop! | 1372 | 0 |
2016/10/24 0:00:00 | Do you know? - "Disaster is coming from ourselves; Luck is coming from the heaven!” | 1275 | 0 |
2016/10/23 12:20:00 | Avoid misfortune | 1400 | 0 |
2016/10/22 12:15:07 | A Zen Poem indicated the most important tips of finding a dragon spot. | 1185 | 0 |
2016/10/16 14:09:04 | The result of using 4 Gods | 1157 | 0 |
2016/10/14 18:49:54 | When Form is not matching Compass, what should we do? | 1080 | 0 |
2016/10/13 16:16:31 | The most important combination in Flying Stars - Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years –16 | 1059 | 0 |
2016/10/13 4:34:23 | Feng Shui Secret Code - Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years –15 | 988 | 0 |
2016/10/10 4:16:37 | The way you should know how to distinguish whether you following a real or fake Master. | 1192 | 0 |
2016/9/9 20:17:23 | Surfing on Chinese metaphysics over 40 years –13 | 1290 | 0 |
2016/7/31 13:30:00 | Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years –12 | 1725 | 0 |
2016/7/30 13:10:00 | Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years –11 | 1135 | 0 |
2016/7/24 13:32:00 | Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years –10 | 1259 | 0 |
2016/7/17 12:37:48 | Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years – 9 | 1272 | 0 |
2016/7/9 14:04:16 | Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years – 8 | 1217 | 0 |
2016/6/10 13:20:55 | Heaven is not the only choice | 1004 | 0 |
2016/6/10 13:18:54 | Lineage | 909 | 0 |
2016/6/4 14:22:43 | 4 High Mountains | 897 | 0 |
2016/6/3 1:20:22 | Reading Book | 1409 | 0 |
2016/6/3 1:17:54 | Assumption | 1100 | 0 |
2016/6/3 1:12:20 | Source | 987 | 0 |
2013/10/19 12:40:42 | Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years – 6 | 2767 | 7 |
2013/9/26 12:59:41 | Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years – 5 | 3161 | 0 |
2013/9/24 17:23:12 | Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years – 4 | 2186 | 0 |
2013/9/23 13:45:17 | Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years – 3 | 2501 | 0 |
2013/9/19 16:51:36 | Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years - 2 | 2106 | 0 |
2013/9/17 3:10:00 | Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years - 1 | 2358 | 0 |
2013/1/21 5:00:00 | Will this counteract the 因果報應 resulting from 洩漏天機. (Part 4) | 1576 | 0 |
2013/1/20 5:30:00 | Will this counteract the 因果報應 resulting from 洩漏天機. (Part 3) | 1464 | 0 |
2013/1/19 5:20:00 | Will this counteract the 因果報應 resulting from 洩漏天機. (Part 2) | 1439 | 0 |
2013/1/18 5:16:35 | Will this counteract the 因果報應 resulting from 洩漏天機. (Part 1) | 1496 | 0 |
2013/1/6 4:40:00 | A debate regarding using DongZhi冬至 as a demarcation of new year, which is supposing to be LiChun立春 (Part 4) | 1316 | 10 |
2013/1/4 4:30:00 | A debate regarding using DongZhi冬至 as a demarcation of new year, which is supposing to be LiChun立春 (Part 3) | 1325 | 0 |
2013/1/3 2:30:00 | A debate regarding using DongZhi冬至 as a demarcation of new year, which is supposing to be LiChun立春 (Part 2) | 1264 | 0 |
2012/12/31 20:00:00 | A debate regarding using DongZhi冬至 as a demarcation of new year, which is supposing to be LiChun立春 (Part 1) | 1288 | 0 |
2012/12/31 6:37:24 | Reply for those audiences who asked me | 1404 | 0 |
2012/12/20 4:01:01 | How to Utilize Mr. Joseph Yu’s Calabash Methodology – Part 3 | 1447 | 0 |
2012/12/18 3:00:12 | How to Utilize Mr. Joseph Yu’s Calabash Methodology – Part 2 | 1631 | 0 |
2012/12/14 2:50:00 | How to Utilize Mr. Joseph Yu’s Calabash Methodology – Part 1 | 1816 | 0 |
2012/12/10 4:50:00 | Joseph Yu’s secrets 3 | 1825 | 0 |
2012/11/24 16:50:00 | Joseph Yu’s secrets 2 | 1450 | 0 |
2012/11/23 2:30:00 | Joseph Yu’s secrets 1 | 1511 | 0 |
2012/11/17 3:50:00 | Beware | 1933 | 0 |
2012/11/15 18:00:00 | Only Joseph can discredit the others but his lineage do not accept anyone discredit Joseph. | 2911 | 1 |
2012/11/12 2:30:00 | Greatest Feng Shui master | 1777 | 0 |
2012/10/29 1:30:00 | My master – Lui Hart Ming 呂克明 10 | 2024 | 0 |
2012/10/28 1:30:00 | My master – Lui Hart Ming 呂克明 9 | 1533 | 0 |
2012/10/27 15:20:00 | Joseph exposed his shortage in I-Ching knowledge 2 | 1558 | 0 |
2012/10/27 1:20:00 | My master – Lui Hart Ming 呂克明 8 | 1809 | 0 |
2012/10/26 1:10:00 | My master – Lui Hart Ming 呂克明 7 | 1485 | 0 |
2012/10/26 1:00:00 | Joseph exposed his shortage in I-Ching knowledge 1 | 1456 | 0 |
2012/10/25 3:00:00 | Joseph needs free advertisement | 1422 | 0 |
2012/10/25 1:10:00 | My master – Lui Hart Ming 呂克明 6 | 1206 | 0 |
2012/10/24 3:50:00 | Things you can learn from Mr. Joseph Yu! | 1583 | 0 |
2012/10/24 1:00:00 | My master – Lui Hart Ming 呂克明 5 | 1572 | 0 |
2012/10/23 1:00:00 | My master – Lui Hart Ming 呂克明 4 | 1100 | 0 |
2012/10/22 0:50:00 | My master – Lui Hart Ming 呂克明 3 | 1131 | 0 |
2012/10/21 0:50:00 | My master – Lui Hart Ming 呂克明 2 | 1132 | 0 |
2012/10/20 0:40:00 | My master – Lui Hart Ming 呂克明 1 | 1426 | 0 |
2012/10/15 1:10:00 | Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 15 – 5 Mistakes learner of I-Ching should avoid (P5) | 1372 | 0 |
2012/10/12 11:00:00 | Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 14 – 5 Mistakes learner of I-Ching should avoid (P4) | 1552 | 0 |
2012/9/29 3:00:00 | Feng Shui Research Center's Fear | 1398 | 0 |
2012/9/28 12:00:00 | Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 13 – 5 Mistakes learner of I-Ching should avoid (P3) | 1686 | 0 |
2012/9/27 2:50:00 | Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 12 – Message from the heaven | 1401 | 0 |
2012/9/26 6:30:00 | Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 11 – 5 Mistakes learner of I-Ching should avoid (P2) | 1703 | 0 |
2012/9/25 6:40:00 | Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 10 – 5 Mistakes learner of I-Ching should avoid (P1) | 1712 | 0 |
2012/9/22 21:50:00 | Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 9 – The Importance of Translation | 1790 | 0 |
2012/9/22 21:40:00 | Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 8 – Chapter 3 of SyutGuaJun說卦傳 | 2239 | 0 |
2012/9/22 21:30:00 | Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 7 – How to study I-Ching | 2171 | 0 |
2012/9/22 4:52:19 | Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 6 – The Interpretation and Translation of I-Ching | 1454 | 0 |
2012/9/20 15:00:00 | Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 5 – The core idea of I-Ching易經 | 1595 | 0 |
2012/9/19 14:40:00 | Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 4 – How many types of I-Ching 易經 | 1470 | 0 |
2012/9/18 10:00:00 | Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 3 – What is I-Ching易經 | 1842 | 0 |
2012/9/16 22:50:00 | Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 2 – My little background in I-Ching | 1767 | 0 |
2012/9/16 17:50:00 | Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 1 – Introduction | 1567 | 0 |
2012/7/9 4:50:00 | My Feng Shui researches 29 - Karma of a master - Master Lam | 14775 | 0 |
2012/6/30 1:00:00 | My Feng Shui researches 28 - The King of Gambling - Stanley Ho Hung Sun 何鸿燊 | 8854 | 0 |
2012/6/14 22:30:00 | My Feng Shui researches 27- God Of Gambling - Mr Yip Hon 葉漢 | 6758 | 10 |
2012/5/23 23:40:00 | My Feng Shui researches 26 - Li Ka Shing 李嘉誠 | 11074 | 0 |
2012/5/14 17:20:00 | My Feng Shui researches 25 - Royal Feng Shui | 2124 | 0 |
2012/4/27 17:10:00 | My Feng Shui researches 24 - Dragon Point finding | 2073 | 0 |
2012/4/26 16:50:00 | My Feng Shui researches 23 - Supernatural power in a grave | 2207 | 0 |
2012/4/26 2:50:00 | My Feng Shui researches 22 - School accident by fire | 2741 | 0 |
2012/4/24 16:20:00 | My Feng Shui researches 21 - School drowning | 2788 | 0 |
2012/4/23 15:10:00 | My Feng Shui researches 20 - Geography Vs Feng Shui | 2158 | 0 |
2012/4/19 23:10:00 | My Feng Shui researches 19 - Formats of the Dragons龍 | 2292 | 0 |
2012/4/17 16:00:00 | My Feng Shui researches 18 - Master Yuen Tin Kwong袁天罡 | 2877 | 0 |
2012/4/16 14:40:00 | My Feng Shui researches 17 - Master Lai Bo Yi 賴布衣 | 7393 | 0 |
2012/4/15 18:30:00 | My Feng Shui researches 16 - Po Lin Monastery寶蓮寺 | 3282 | 0 |
2012/4/12 22:40:00 | My Feng Shui researches 15 - Tai Ngan (Big Wild Goose) Pagoda 大雁塔 | 2619 | 0 |
2012/4/12 2:00:00 | My Feng Shui researches 14 - White Horse Temple 白馬寺 | 2007 | 0 |
2012/4/11 2:30:00 | My Feng Shui researches 13 - Master Chu Hei 朱熹 | 2524 | 0 |
2012/4/9 12:00:00 | My Feng Shui researches 12 - Tai Yue大禹(2200 - 2100 BC) | 2165 | 0 |
2012/4/6 15:00:00 | My Feng Shui researches 11 - Ho Tou 河圖 & Lok Syu 洛書 | 4992 | 0 |
2012/4/4 21:40:00 | My Feng Shui researches 10 - Master Chan Chuen陳摶 | 2302 | 0 |
2012/4/2 0:00:00 | My Feng Shui researches 9 - Master Kwan Fung Cheung 關鳳翔 | 7066 | 0 |
2012/3/31 0:00:00 | My Feng Shui researches 8 - Master Ng Si Ching 吳師青 | 4132 | 0 |
2012/3/29 20:20:00 | My Feng Shui researches 7 - Master Tseng Tsz Nam曾子南 (1907-2006) | 3262 | 0 |
2012/3/27 20:10:00 | My Feng Shui researches 6 - Master Tam Yeung Ng 談養吾 | 4417 | 0 |
2012/3/26 6:10:00 | My Feng Shui researches 5 - Master Yau Sick Yum 尤惜陰 | 6051 | 0 |
2012/3/24 4:30:00 | My Feng Shui researches 4 - Master Kong San Sau 江慎修 | 2674 | 0 |
2012/3/23 4:30:00 | My Feng Shui researches 3 - Master Li Mak Cai李默齋 Grave | 2626 | 0 |
2012/3/21 22:50:00 | My Feng Shui researches 2 - Master Chang's 蔣大鴻 Grave and his story | 3310 | 0 |
2012/3/19 17:40:00 | My Feng Shui researches 1 - Master Yeung’s Temple | 2482 | 8 |
2012/3/17 14:50:00 | A contradiction in logic 2 | 1500 | 0 |
2012/3/4 19:00:00 | Little tips to help you find the real master. | 1546 | 0 |
2012/3/2 17:20:00 | Can 5 elements and 9 stars represent all the Dragons? | 1550 | 0 |
2012/2/28 21:20:00 | Feng Shui need time to prove | 1394 | 0 |
2012/2/27 21:20:00 | Case 3 - 觀音Guanyin (a Bodhisattva) appear in the wall | 1362 | 0 |
2012/2/26 15:30:00 | Case 2 – Spirit comes back after the Feng Shui items removed | 1426 | 0 |
2012/2/16 5:30:00 | Does Feng shui involve spiritual world? | 1365 | 0 |
2012/2/14 8:50:00 | A contradiction in logic | 1287 | 0 |
2012/2/9 23:28:09 | Feng Shui Vs Science | 1110 | 0 |
2012/2/7 0:10:00 | Does the house building time is imported for Feng Shui consulting? | 1153 | 0 |
2012/2/2 16:30:00 | How does a “Chinese Feng Shui Compass - Lo Pan” coming? | 1582 | 0 |
2012/1/28 19:20:00 | 2012-2 Special New Year’s topic - Eyes | 1224 | 0 |
2012/1/24 6:30:00 | 2012-1 Special New Year’s topic - Eyes | 1562 | 8 |
2012/1/10 4:40:00 | 7 A qualify masters should select their students. | 1398 | 0 |
2012/1/3 18:30:00 | 6 The Feng Shui research that a qualify master should have. | 1308 | 0 |
2011/12/21 16:10:00 | 5 The ceremony that a qualified Feng Shui Master should have. | 1579 | 0 |
2011/12/6 4:30:00 | 4. The syllabus of Traditional Feng Shui training that the qualified Feng Shui master should have. | 1280 | 0 |
2011/12/1 21:00:00 | 3 – What kinds of knowledge you should have before you address yourself as a “Feng Shui Master”? | 1602 | 0 |
2011/11/25 14:20:00 | 2 - In what circumstance can you address yourself as a Fengshui Master? | 1476 | 0 |
2011/9/12 0:00:00 | 1. How can you call yourself as a “Feng Shui Master”? | 1289 | 0 |
2011/4/9 17:50:00 | Calabash - how does it using in Feng Shui. | 1766 | 0 |
2010/6/12 16:22:20 | Who say there is no secret? | 1614 | 0 |
2010/6/7 3:30:34 | The secret of starving yogi | 1764 | 5 |
2010/6/7 3:23:16 | Hands were full of blood | 1431 | 0 |
2010/4/27 1:10:00 | The Common Mistakes of Nowadays Feng Shui Learners 5 | 1431 | 0 |
2010/4/27 1:00:00 | The common mistakes of nowadays Feng Shui Learners 3 | 1633 | 0 |
2010/4/27 0:59:47 | The Common Mistakes of Nowadays Feng Shui Learners 4 | 1551 | 0 |
2010/4/27 0:50:00 | The common mistakes of nowadays Feng Shui Learners 2 | 1514 | 0 |
2010/4/27 0:18:48 | Bodhidharma Story | 1609 | 0 |
2010/4/27 0:16:23 | Eight Immortals Story | 1272 | 0 |
2010/4/27 0:11:37 | Scholar and the old monk | 1284 | 0 |
2010/4/27 0:08:29 | Young Monk and Old Monk | 1427 | 0 |
2010/4/26 23:51:36 | Rich monk and poor monk | 1547 | 0 |
2010/2/21 2:38:36 | The common mistakes of nowadays Feng Shui Learners 1 | 1489 | 0 |
2010/2/19 3:04:28 | The common mistakes of nowadays Feng Shui Learners | 1309 | 0 |
2009/11/24 15:59:21 | Who make this mistake to public? | 1391 | 0 |
2009/10/30 1:45:05 | A memory of Feng Shui Master Lui Hart Ming | 1800 | 0 |
2009/7/8 20:59:16 | How to learn Feng Shui from Master Chung | 1912 | 0 |
2009/7/8 17:33:15 | How to learn Feng Shui on site | 1973 | 0 |
2009/2/1 17:50:00 | Beer Vs. Pee Story | 1926 | 0 |
Total of 162 articles |
324024 | |
Misc |
Date | Title | Views | Rating |
2014/3/12 23:10:00 | Feng Shui Disclosures | 1543 | 0 |
Total of 1 articles |
1543 | |
Prediction |
Date | Title | Views | Rating |
2013/1/30 5:04:15 | 2013癸巳蛇年12生肖流年運程 (鍾熙一) 預測 | 2054 | 0 |
2013/1/30 5:00:55 | 2013 Chinese new year predictions for 12 animals | 2043 | 0 |
Total of 2 articles |
4097 | |
Press |
Date | Title | Views | Rating |
2012/1/10 21:50:00 | Master Chung's books | 1618 | 0 |
2012/1/10 18:20:00 | Newspaper Interview | 1750 | 0 |
Total of 2 articles |
3368 | |
Public Speech |
Date | Title | Views | Rating |
2008/3/23 22:40:00 | Face Reading & Feng Shui Introduction by Master Issac Chung | 2859 | 0 |
2008/3/23 21:51:30 | Guest Speaker | 2747 | 0 |
Total of 2 articles |
5606 | |
Recent News |
Date | Title | Views | Rating |
2017/3/7 2:47:21 | Recent News On Facebook | 954 | 0 |
2011/3/16 4:15:23 | My Feng Shui music "Action Space" | 1747 | 0 |
2011/3/10 22:15:29 | My Feng Shui music "Donedone" & "Brightdays" | 1589 | 0 |
2011/3/2 23:52:33 | Famous Feng Shui Grave "Ho Yip Bo Kwai" in Hong Kong | 1753 | 0 |
2010/3/18 15:32:24 | Meet us in youtube | 1719 | 0 |
2010/3/18 15:30:00 | New albums | 1553 | 0 |
2010/3/18 15:20:00 | Meet us in facebook | 1140 | 0 |
2010/3/18 15:20:00 | Master Issac Chung's Blog | 1192 | 0 |
2009/6/30 22:49:44 | 中醫學傷寒論入門 Chinese Medical Introduction Seminar | 1776 | 0 |
2009/5/3 0:50:00 | 2009 Santiago Face Reading | 1499 | 0 |
2008/11/28 20:40:00 | Traditional Chinese Architecture & Culture Tours | 1910 | 0 |
2008/11/28 20:40:00 | Face Reading Seminars 2009 | 1827 | 0 |
2008/11/26 1:32:37 | Feng Shui Certificate Level 1 | 1605 | 0 |
2008/6/4 13:20:00 | Hackers & Spammers Ip listing | 1951 | 0 |
Total of 14 articles |
22215 | |
Resource |
Date | Title | Views | Rating |
2011/2/28 22:35:15 | How I start to learn Chinese metaphysic | 1589 | 0 |
Total of 1 articles |
1589 | |
Russian |
Date | Title | Views | Rating |
2013/10/21 21:37:36 | 40-летний опыт изучения китайской философии показывает, | 2636 | 0 |
2013/8/24 12:44:43 | обратная связь с русскими студентами | 2232 | 0 |
2012/9/19 3:20:00 | Mое фэн-шуй исследование 20 - География и фэн-шуй | 1984 | 1 |
2012/9/19 3:10:00 | Mое фэн-шуй исследование 19 - Формации драконов 龍 Как бы то ни было, но они известны в Азии | 1737 | 0 |
2012/9/18 3:10:00 | Mое изучение фэн-шуй 17 - Мастер Лай Буи 賴布衣 Как бы то ни было, но он знаменит в Азии | 1991 | 0 |
2012/9/18 3:10:00 | Mое фэн-шуй исследование 18 - Mастер Юань Тяньган 袁天罡 Как бы то ни было, но он знаменит в Азии | 1914 | 0 |
2012/9/17 3:00:00 | Mое фэн-шуй исследование 15 - Даян Табо, Большая Пагода Диких Гусей 大雁塔 | 1334 | 0 |
2012/9/17 3:00:00 | Mое изучение фэн-шуй 16 - Монастырь Бао Лянь 寶蓮寺 Как бы то ни было, но он знаменит в Азии | 1593 | 0 |
2012/9/16 2:50:00 | Mое фэн-шуй исследование 14 - Храм Белой Лошади 白馬寺 | 1701 | 0 |
2012/9/16 2:50:00 | Mое фэн-шуй исследование 13 - Мастер Чжу Си 朱熹 | 1384 | 0 |
2012/9/15 2:50:00 | Мое фэн-шуй исследование 12 - Тай Юй 大禹 (2200 - 2100 до н.э.) | 1265 | 0 |
2012/9/15 2:40:00 | Mое фэн-шуй исследование 11 - Хэ-ту 河圖 и Ло-шу 洛書 | 2435 | 0 |
2012/9/14 2:30:00 | Mое исследование фэн-шуй 10 - Мастер Чэнь Туань 陳摶 | 1504 | 0 |
2012/9/14 2:20:00 | Мое исследование фэн-шуй 9 - Мастер Гуан Фэнсян 關鳳翔 | 1217 | 0 |
2012/9/13 2:20:00 | Мое фэн-шуй исследование 7 - Мастер Цэн Цзы Нан 曾子南 (1907-2006) | 1937 | 0 |
2012/9/13 2:20:00 | Мое фэн-шуй исследование 8 - Мастер У Ши Цин 吳師青 | 1443 | 0 |
2012/9/12 2:12:32 | Мое фэн-шуй исследование 6 - Мастер Тан Ян У 談養吾 | 1704 | 0 |
2012/9/12 2:10:07 | Мое фэн-шуй исследование 5 - Мастер Ю Си Инь 尤惜陰 | 1579 | 0 |
2012/9/12 2:07:38 | - Мое фэн-шуй исследование 4 - Мастер Цзян Шэнь Сю 江慎修 | 1495 | 0 |
2012/9/12 2:03:44 | Мое фэн-шуй исследование 3 - Могила мастера Ли Мак Цай李默齋 | 1677 | 0 |
2012/9/8 12:11:27 | Mое фэн-шуй исследование 2 - Мастер Чан, его история и могила | 1423 | 0 |
2012/9/4 20:19:47 | ое исследование фэн-шуй 1 ? Храм мастера Яна | 1665 | 0 |
Total of 22 articles |
37850 | |
Seminar News |
Date | Title | Views | Rating |
2021/1/27 22:35:06 | How to prepare the camera and microphone for internet course | 721 | 0 |
2012/7/3 19:04:29 | e-class preparation | 3997 | 0 |
2008/2/26 6:20:00 | A Calendar of upcoming Seminars | 3926 | 0 |
Total of 3 articles |
8644 | |
Testimonials |
Date | Title | Views | Rating |
2008/3/23 21:30:00 | Students Feedbacks | 2477 | 0 |
2008/3/9 23:10:00 | Student feedback on Royal Academic Institute - German | 2648 | 0 |
2008/3/9 23:00:00 | Student feedback on Royal Academic Institute - Catalan | 2563 | 0 |
Total of 3 articles |
7688 | |
Traveling With Master Chung |
Date | Title | Views | Rating |
2010/1/11 22:55:04 | Traveling with Master Chung to Chile 21 - Concierto De Navidad | 1708 | 0 |
2010/1/10 3:34:54 | Traveling with Master Chung to Chile 20 - TV Interview in Chile | 1609 | 0 |
2009/12/19 0:51:50 | Traveling with Master Chung to Chile 19 Fish Market | 1807 | 0 |
2009/12/17 18:44:27 | Traveling with Master Chung to Chile 18 Water Dragon | 2278 | 0 |
2009/12/13 12:39:41 | Traveling with Master Chung to Chile 17 Talcahuano | 1861 | 0 |
2009/12/2 15:02:25 | Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E16 Dancing Night 2f | 1509 | 0 |
2009/12/2 14:22:37 | Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E16 Dancing Night 2g | 1471 | 0 |
2009/12/2 13:59:39 | Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E16 Dancing Night 2e | 1302 | 0 |
2009/12/2 13:45:32 | Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E16 Dancing Night 2bcd | 1345 | 0 |
2009/12/2 13:36:31 | Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E16 Dancing Night 2a | 1147 | 0 |
2009/12/1 17:11:27 | Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E16 Dancing Night P4 | 1149 | 0 |
2009/12/1 17:07:20 | Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E16 Dancing Night P3 | 1101 | 0 |
2009/12/1 17:01:14 | Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E16 Dancing Night P2 | 1127 | 0 |
2009/12/1 16:56:10 | Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E16 Dancing Night P1 | 1189 | 0 |
2009/11/28 19:25:21 | Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E15 Church | 1153 | 0 |
2009/11/27 1:22:39 | Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E14 Mall | 1634 | 0 |
2009/11/24 14:39:31 | Traveling with Master Chung E7-E13 Voces del Rio | 1432 | 0 |
2009/11/22 1:27:45 | Travel with Master Chung E6 City Center | 1482 | 0 |
2009/11/22 1:25:44 | Travel with master Chung to Chile 5 | 1331 | 0 |
2009/11/22 1:23:31 | Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E4 | 1317 | 0 |
2009/11/22 1:20:46 | Traveling with Master Master to Chile E3 | 1333 | 0 |
2009/11/22 1:17:42 | Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E2 | 1379 | 0 |
2009/11/22 1:12:22 | Traveling with Master Chung to Chile E1 | 1222 | 0 |
2008/4/24 2:50:37 | Traveling With Master Chung 8 | 1990 | 0 |
2008/4/23 0:45:06 | Traveling With Master Chung 7 | 2046 | 0 |
2008/4/18 18:42:47 | Traveling With Master Chung 6 | 2079 | 0 |
2008/4/10 20:40:00 | Traveling With Master Chung 5 | 2032 | 0 |
2008/4/8 20:00:00 | Traveling With Master Chung 4 | 2045 | 0 |
2008/4/6 20:23:57 | Traveling With Master Chung 3 | 2030 | 0 |
2008/3/29 4:28:47 | Traveling With Master Chung 2 | 2144 | 0 |
2008/3/20 2:10:00 | Traveling With Master Chung 01 Master Yeung's Temple | 1986 | 0 |
Total of 31 articles |
49238 | |
TV Interviews |
Date | Title | Views | Rating |
2010/12/1 20:45:22 | Professional Face Reading Certificate Course Level 3 Graduation | 1812 | 0 |
2008/3/23 21:50:00 | TV Interviews | 5089 | 0 |
Total of 2 articles |
6901 | |
Новости о деятельности в России |
Date | Title | Views | Rating |
2020/2/6 17:50:09 | Отзывы белорусских студентов | 1163 | 0 |
2019/12/6 19:00:00 | Анжела, Светлана и Ануш в декабре 2019 года провела презентацию «Face Reading» в Минске, Беларусь. | 1099 | 0 |
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